Signs & Synchronicities

Ever seen repeating numbers over and over?

Does 11:11 seem to always show up on clocks? Or 222, 444, 555 etc. show themselves on license plates and billboards at every turn?

Has a song ever shown up on your playlist or radio, mirroring the exact mood or thought you are having in the current moment?

Ever had a question pop into mind, only for a quote, article or book appear containing the exact answer you are seeking?

"Coincidences" may not be coincidences after all. 

When we start to awaken to the broader nature of consciousness and our connection to things beyond just the material world, repetitive signs can start pop up. Perhaps they are a sign we are on to something, on the right path, so to speak.  Or is it possible that spiritual “helpers,” guides, or ancestors are attempting to reach us or communicate with these signs, waiting for the moments when we are perfectly primed to pay attention.

As one begins to “wake up” to new dimensions of reality, it’s like a world that once appeared dull and mechanical, suddenly begins to light up with new possibilities and unseen magic. Nature becomes full of possible communications.

Famous psychologist, Carl Jung was the first to recognize this phenomenon of "synchronicities" within the human experience.  In fact, he was so compelled by the stories of patients who were witnessing unexplainable coincidences in their lives that he wrote a book about it.  What struck him most was how many people reported these experiences but how fearful people were to share them with one another, keeping them locked away as well kept secrets. 

He writes, "Meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance.  But the more they multiply and the greater and more exact the correspondence is....their unthinkability increases, until they can no longer be regarded as pure chance but, for lack of a causal explanation, have to be thought of as meaningful arrangements....their "inexplicability" is not due to the fact that the cause is unknown, but to the fact that a cause is not even thinkable in intellectual terms."  

Why is it that we are so hesitant to share these with others?

Are we afraid to be laughed at? The impossibility of something beyond ourselves seems too fanciful or imaginative? Have we become too scientific-minded to entertain the mysterious?

Perhaps all it means is that you have opened unto a process in which your intelligence can begin to interact with the environment around you to receive new information. Perhaps it means you need to pay attention and change course.  Maybe these hints are signals that you are finding the breadcrumbs laid out for you along the path. The essence of a spiritual journey is finding your way back home.

But what does that mean for you? 


Paving Your Path